Many thanks to the judges at the DeLand Fall Festival of the Arts for the Award of Excellence! Great show, amazing staff and perfect weather. Festival continues Sunday til 4:00!
#delandfallfestivalofthearts #coloredpencil #dennisangeldrawings
Many thanks to this year’s judges for the Award of Distinction at the Ocala Art Festival. Great show, beautiful weather, continues Sunday til 5:00
#ocalaartfestival #coloredpencil
Thanks to this year’s judge for Award of Distinction at the Winter Park Autumn Art Festival! Beautiful weather this weekend, festival continues Sunday til 5:00
#wpaaf #coloredpencil #dennisangeldrawings

Pleased to see my drawing “Brad’s Flowers” featured in Worth While, a quarterly publication by Raymond James Financial Services. Thomas James purchased this piece for their corporate collection at the Gasparilla Arts Festival. Article can be read on the Raymond James website in digital format

So nice to see my drawing “Brad’s Flowers” featured in the latest issue of Worth While, a quarterly periodical published by Raymond James Financial Services. This large drawing was purchased by Thomas James at the Gasparilla Art Festival and is part of their corporate collection. For those interested in reading the article there’s a digital version on the Raymond James Services website #dennisangeldrawings #gasparillaartfestival #raymondjamesfinancial #coloredpencildrawing
Just finished this very large drawing featuring a 2,000 piece Lego typewriter! Having it framed for the upcoming St. Louis Art Festival Framed size: 40” x 50”

Finally finished this large drawing and will have it framed for the St Louis Art Festival. This was quite a challenge! The 2,000 piece Lego typewriter actually works! Framed size: 40”x50”
#coloredpencil #dennisangeldrawings #stlouisartfestival #stilllifedrawing
A new adventure. I’m building this 2,000 plus piece Lego typewriter to use in an upcoming still life. I’m using an office theme with an Edward Hopper. This photo was taken a month ago so the drawing is now almost finished. Will post soon!
#coloredpencil #dennisangeldrawings
Very honored to receive one of the top three Jurors Awards at Des Moines Art Festival! Great show and continues Sunday until 5:00
#desmoinesartfestival #colored pencil drawing #dennisangeldrawings
Beautiful weekend in Chicago! Here for Old Town Art Festival , Saturday and Sunday!